A little Peom About Life
A place of death
A place of life
A final breath
A cease of time
The Earth quaked and the winds blew fire
The sun hid and the moon sought cover
The Creator wounded by His creation
“Father, forgive them.”
sponsoredGold and frankincense flushed by sin’s tides
Lots cast for a tapestry put asunder
Man’s ignorance drank foolishness like a glutton
“For they know not what they do.”
Silence grew louder, valleys climbed higher
Hope fled and Fear raised its feathers
The deaf listened for a whisper, when all seemed forlorn.
“Verily, I say unto you”
The blind sought for light as the day grew darker
The condemned pled for mercy from the forsaken Lover
Heaven’s Lamb lent a hand to salvage Satan’s pawn
“Today, thou shalt be with me in paradise.”
Demons laughed with lifted hands worshipping their master
Gleeful chants filled with hate for the Love of the Potter
A love greater than a mother’s to her dying new-born
“Woman, behold thy son.”
Hearty cheers with raised glasses brimming with vinegar,
He was fed a meal of nails and shame in portions not meagre
Yet Love found the pierced soul of His home for hundreds of dawns
“Behold thy mother.”
Heaven’s angels watched as sin’s virus surged in anger
Purity was corrupted with Adam’s blanket of cancer
The Father turned His back as iniquity took His Son
“Eloi, Eloi.”
The Son’s wail and the Father’s tears lamented a ballad
“Victory!” Hell rejoiced and Hades joined in the dance
The enemy’s boasts wrought anguish filled mourns.
“Why have You forsaken me?”
Parched lips of the King yearned for the waters of the Spirit
“I thirst”
The Spirit answered from across the chasm
“It is finished.”
The tables began turning in a change of rhyme and rhythm
The Sun fought anew from beneath darkness’ covering
A relationship destroyed at Eden by rebellion
Being restored by the offering of offerings on the cross
“Into Thy hands”
A handover of ownership from self to the King
An exchange of filth for a life-giving Spirit
“I commit my Spirit”
A common name became the name above all names
Blood and water outpoured in a swift exchange
Rugged wood and metal intertwined in an emblem
Addition’s symbol added God back to all men
Shattered veils and covenants broken by one higher
The greatest burnt offering that left no ember
A key released to chain Hell and Hades
Sheol was forced to free its dead to the King
The calendar split
By a crown that pierces skin
An empty tomb
A stone that rolled away doom
The Spirit hugged the soul in a long-awaited embrace
The Holy of Holies now one with the Holy Place
A place of reconciliation
A bridge to mankind’s salvation
A tale of hope to all nations
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