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Crisis On Infinite Earths

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Crisis On Infinite Earths

CrossOver Casts Confirmed

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The “Crisis On Infinit Earths” is a five-episode crossover coming this December and I anticipate that it is going to be THE best DC’s Greatest crossover yet and it is going to be the best because the new heros (Batwoman and Black Lightning) are going to be in it and so is our favourite DC TV SHOW “Legends Of Tomorrow” Legends.

Who or which superheros are going to be In the Crisis On Infinite Earths Crossover?

Watch Trailler

⇒ The Flash – Barry Allen

the flash crisis crossover confirmbiz

Earlier this season of “The Flash” we realised Barry Allen “The Flash” has to die but what if that was another lie from”The Monitor” since “Nash HR Wells” says he has a way Barry stays alive at the same time saving the universe but that was not in the billions of future he saw which makes me worry. Nash Harry Wells finds his (The Monitor’s) home, the place he rests and has a plan that I believe will work but don’t get your hopes up cause he might be working for the monitor or rather that he is being worked by the monitor.

⇒ Black Lightning – Jefferson Pierce

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Black Lightning has been confirmed to be joining the crossover, would it be fun?

Yes, hell yeah!

I just hope his daughter Jenifer Pierce (Gosh I love her powers) to be in the crisis crossover

⇒ Batwoman – Kate Kane

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The Latest CW series “Batwoman” is taking the place of Batman although what happened to Batman?

Is He going to be in the Crisis Crossover?

Or is he Dead?

Probably Yes and No.

⇒ Legends Of Tomorrow

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The Legends will steal the show cause they know how to throw a good fight party plan and they always follow the rull I mean how do they do that?

⇒ Supergirl

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Supergirl the best hero 2019 that got my heart faces so much trauma and then she gets an even greater treat.

And yes, Superman like the last crossover scenery is going to be a part of this coming crisis.

⇒ The Monitor

The Legends Crossover Trailer

I think the monitor wants to eliminate heros or meta humans or dark matter itself cause I think he really wants to be the only god cause in more ways than one “The Flash”, “Vibe” (should his powers come back) and “Supergirl” are gods. What do you think?

⇒ The Green Arrow

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Arrow finds out that “The Monitor” is not trying to prevent the coming crisis but he is the one to cause it (honestly that was on my mind but we’ll see). Hmm, Dick’s wife “Lyla Michaels (Paranoid women Gang)” tells another tail as she joins forces with “The Monitor”


Crisis On Infinite Earths Will commence from December 8th


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